
Read our tips and advice

Tips for optimal oral hygiene in pets 

Tips for optimal oral hygiene in pets 

Oral hygiene is just as important for pets as it is for humans. Dental problems can not only cause pain and discomfort, but they can also affect the overall health of your pet. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to maintain good oral hygiene in your pets.  First, it is important to brush

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Your cat has bad breath? Here’s what you should know  

Your cat has bad breath? Here’s what you should know  

Résoudre le problème de mauvaise haleine chez les chats : Conseils pour maintenir une bonne hygiène buccale et prévenir les maladies sous-jacentes. Ton chat a mauvaise haleine ? Ce n’est pas inhabituel, mais cela peut être un signe de problèmes de santé. Si tu remarques que ton chat a une mauvaise haleine, il est important

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Winter: the right reflexes to protect your pet

Winter: the right reflexes to protect your pet

Winter can be a difficult time for pets, especially if they are used to spending most of their time indoors. To ensure that our four-legged companions stay healthy and happy during this time of year, here are some tips to follow: It is important to maintain regular physical activity for your pet during the winter,

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Maintaining Your Pet’s Health with an Adapted Diet Being overweight can be a serious problem for dogs and cats. Here are some simple tips to prevent overweight in your pets and help them maintain a healthy weight. If your dog or cat has eaten a little too much during the holidays and needs to lose

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Refuse to eat? Discover our tips

Refuse to eat? Discover our tips

A healthy animal usually has a good appetite. It sometimes happens, for different reasons, that our little beast sulks its meal and refuses to eat. But why does your pet no longer eat? In your pet, loss of appetite can be due to several causes. Whether it’s a recipe that doesn’t like it or health

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A recipe adapted to each stage of life

A recipe adapted to each stage of life

Throughout its life, your pet will evolve towards different stages of its development. Over time, the needs of your companions will change, and it is important to adapt your diet to its stage of development. Early in their lives, when they are still young beasts, animals need more energy from their diets to support their

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